When you go to your player card on the bottom of your player card there's a stamp icon, Click on it and your stamp book should appear.
If you're a member you can customize your stamp book like I did but if your a none member you can't:(.
Now when you open up your stamp book there are different categories, Like games, activities,pins, and events.
Now that box on the side tells you if the stamp is green it is easy to get or if its yellow its medium or if its hard the stamp color will be red. Let's say you clicked on activities, Well it would show you what stamps you don't have and how to get them, Also if a stamp is colored it means you have already gotten that stamp.
When you are playing a game and trying to earn a stamp A box will show on the right hand side of the screen saying you have gotten the stamp and if It's a game then at the end it will show what stamp you got and it will show your progress.
Good luck on earning stamps!!!